You don't have to remove the pet to remove pet odor. Fresh Wave Pet Shampoo is a natural, non-toxic way to clean and deodorize your pet's hair and fur. Not only does Fresh Wave Pet Shampoo remove pet odor, it removes the nasty odors pets get into, even skunk.
Fresh Wave® natural odor eliminators use the power of nature and molecular science to get rid of organic and inorganic odors. Rather than masking unwanted odors, our products go to the source to destroy the odor. More importantly, Fresh Wave products use no toxins, so they are safe to use around people and pets. Eco-friendly and industrially proven, these non-toxic products are based on formulations that eliminate odors in the most odorous places around the world, including garbage dumps, asphalt factories and wastewater facilities. Compared to those locations, your home's odors are no match for our natural odor eliminators.